Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 8: Mt Isa

Nothing much to report today, however I must report on our visit to Lorelle's school. Lorelle said that she wanted to visit the school she had taught at in Mt Isa back in 1978, Happy Valley State School. So we went to the school, parked outside and even took photos from the car of Lorelle's old classroom........  However things did not gel because she said that she used to look out her classroom windows across the road to a vacant block and where the vacant block was, there is now a Catholic school which I would swear was over 33 years old.....  The penny dropped - Lorelle was never at Happy Valley - her old school was Healy State School.  Needless to say, I told her she had just made the cover of my blog.......  lol   lol   lol   lol.....  (needless to say, we deleted the photos).

Following that humorous start to the day, we went shopping in the metropolis so that we have enough food for a week of 'free camping' in rest areas - beer, wine, potato chips, lollies, etc .... all the essentials!

This afternoon, we are going to take a short drive out to Fountain Springs, a swimming hole just out of Mt Isa where we used to go swimming and tonight we are going out to the Buffs Club to live it up.

Our Internet signal may not be great over the next couple of weeks or so but I'll fill in the gaps when I can. Our draft itinerary is:-

Sun 24th: Wanera rest Area (not sure of spelling but it's north of the Three Ways)
Mon 25th: Newcastle Waters Rest Area
26/27 - Mataranka area
28/29/30 - Katherine area
1/2/3 May - Kakadu
4/5/6 - Darwin
7/8/9 - Litchfield National Park


  1. Have a great time at the Mataranka Hot Springs. Also I know you will have a ball on the tour through Katherine Gorge. Bringing back a lot of memories.

    Have a great Easter.

  2. HAHA that is sooo funny! At least she remember it started with a H. hehe. Hope all have a wonderful easter.


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