Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 48: Cape Leveque

I woke up at 6am and happened to look outside - the sun was about to come up but I went back to bed - I lay there debating whether to get up and take some pics........ but, I got up. It was a spectacular sunrise (any sunrise is great because I'm not up for many, but this one was great).  And I know everyone else is getting pi#$%ed off with sunsets......

After brekky, we drove 13km the indigenous community at One Arm Point. After paying the $10 each access fee we visited the Trochus Hatchery where they breed trochus until they are a couple of centimetres in size then they place them back on the reef where they grow quite large. They are then collected and sold for their shell. The shell is used for jewellery and buttons.

We then had a drive around One Arm Point - the beaches are magnificent and the speed of the incoming tide is phenomonal - like the way the water gushes out at Bullcock Beach Caloundra only it is the whole ocean.

It was then off to the Cygnet Bay Oyster Farm. We didn't do a tour because we will be visiting one near Broome soon but we did have lunch there. We then rushed back to Kooljamin (Cape Leveque) to see Doug & Sue because they had arrived for lunch as part of their Horizontal Waterfall trip.

Next a swim followed by the afternoon blogging and resting in our 'tent'. Tonight we are eating out at the restaurant so will have to get dressed to the nines - thongs, shorts & t-shirt. That's all from Cape Leveque unless something else comes up.

We have had a great two days here! Four would be ideal...

Sunrise from our tent

Trochus shells

Turtles at the hatchery

Lorelle with a live pencil urchin

Swimming beachat One Arm Point

Lighthouseat Cape Leveque

Islands off One Arm Point

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