We had fun yesterday afternoon - we drove over to Woolworths to pick up dessert for Brad & Simone's place - when I turned the ignition key to leave Woolies, the key came apart in my hand. I was left with the steel key section in the ignition and the rest in my hand. I had to get a pair of pliers to push and turn the key and thank goodness it started. We retreived the spare key from the caravan and when we got home last night I ordered a couple of new key shells off eBay for $10 each. (I've had to do this before - shame on Toyota for designing such crappy keys!!!)
Today we went to the Old Bus Depot Markets- bought some Tayberry Jam which we have only ever seen for sale at these markets - delicious. Also bought some Assam tea - bit like Darjeeling. Brad and Simone then came back to the van for a cuppa.
Tonight we went out with Brad & Simone to a Vietnamese restaurant and had a nice meal.
Then it was back home to get the van ready for an early departure tomorrow morning (6am) so we can head homewards to Gatton.
Geoff, Haven't you got another shirt?