Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 34: Kununurra

Well, today has been a rest day in most respects - did the washing, cleaned the bathroom, went souvenir shopping, posted a couple more parcels home, relaxed. Honestly can't report anything too exciting.

Tomorrow, we say farewell to Kununurra which has been a great spot. We leave for a new (as in not finished being built) caravan park called Bungle Bungle Caravan Park, just off the turn-off to the Bungle Bungles (Purnululu National Park).  Apparently they don't even have a sign yet but they do have a half-decent web site. Some other happy campers stumbled upon it and told us about it.
The park is part of the Mabel Station property and can be accessed 750 metres off the highway on the way to Purnalulu.

We are planning on staying there for two nights and taking a day trip into the National park. The drive in from the highway turn-off is 56km which they say takes 2-3 hours, but because it has just been graded, it may only take two.  That's all the blogging probably until Sunday when we should be in either Halls Creek or more probably Fitzroy Crossing....

Late Extra
Last night, prior to going out for dinner, we went and sat on the lake edge again to have a drink.  Just on dusk we looked down and what should we see – a crocodile – refer to photo. It is a freshie and 20 metres along the bank was another one. The camp owners have names for them and apparently they come in each afternoon and people throw them bread.

Our van site, Discovery Van Park

Lake Kununurra from our van park

Lake Kununurra from our van park

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