Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 43: Derby to Broome

(I updated our day 42 blog with a couple of photos of Derby Jetty at dusk.....)

Day 43: Left at 8:30 again and took just over two hours to get to Broome and the Cable Beach Caravan Park. The park is excellent as we have large shady sites.

We had a drive around Broome - Cable Bay, the town, Gantheaume Point,  etc. The beach is absolutely beautiful - crystal clear water and white sand. We are booked for a week but who knows????????

Cable Beach

Gantheaume Point

Gantheaume Point

Gantheaume Point

Gantheaume Point


  1. That is some awesome countryside you are visiting.
    That beach looks too good to be true - a bit far to travel for a long weekend though.

  2. The beach is terrific - similar to Surfers Paradise but few waves and no high-rise buildings. Broome is a real tourist mecca and even has an international air-port.


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