Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 110: Ceduna to Streaky Bay

Our drive today only took just over an hour - we arrived at Streaky Bay around 10am and after visiting the Information Centre, booked straight into the van park which is right on the beach - beautiful!!

After morning tea we set off and went on a drive to the bays south of Streaky Bay. Our main destination was Point Labatt where we would see a sea-lion colony. The sea lions were a long way away but I have included a couple of cropped photos. Most of them were sleeping in the sun.

After that we visited a myriad of pretty beaches and bays including Baird Bay, Sceale Bay, the Westall Way Loop Drive and the Cale Bauer Loop Drive. We have probably had enough of magnificent beaches and bays but what the heck, someone has to do it!!!!

The weather today has been warm for this time of the year - maximum of 22 degrees - tomorrow the max is expected to be 17 degrees - back to winter. The locals say this has been an exceptionally warm winter so far, particularly at the moment.

Tomorrow we head further south to Coffin Bay and Port Lincoln - not sure how far we are going.....


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